STRIVE Program
Strive is a scholarship program that recognizes and rewards students who show significant improvement in overall performance in their senior year of high school. STRIVE challenges students to improve their school performance, gain self confidence, and develop post-secondary goals. 
Students who participate in STRIVE in their senior year are offered an opportunity to "strive" for an entry scholarship to college, university, or a minimum twenty week approved post-secondary training program.
Who are the STRIVE Partners?
The STRIVE Program is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Charlottetown. Thousands of dollars have been awarded to Grade 12 students in local high schools over the past years.
What are the benefits of STRIVE 
The STRIVE Scholarship Program designates one scholarship per year valued at up to $1,500. The scholarship goes toward tuition at UPEI, Holland College, any other similar institution off P.E.I., or for any 20 week or longer approved training course. 
Who is eligible for STRIVE?
Grade 12 students who:
-Meet the requirements for spring graduation
-attend classes regularly
-work and study to the best of their ability
-"strive" toward a positive attitude
What do students have to do?
The STRIVE Program involves a commitment between the students, the high School Counselors and Administrators, and the Rotary Club of Charlottetown. Academic and counselling support is provided by the school, and the students make a commitment to attend regularly and demonstrate growth in work habits and study practices.
Who determines these scholarships and when?
School Counselors monitor the progress of the students throughout the year. In June, the information is reviewed and the Students Services Department determines the successful candidate. The candidate is presented with the STRIVE Scholarship at the graduation ceremonies by a member of the Rotary Club of Charlottetown.