On Monday, May 1st, Club member, Hannah Bell, facilitated a Club Forum on what to do with the fundraising proceeds. This was a preliminary discussion to get members to start thinking of what defines us as a Club strategically, how we want to be seen, what do we want to support, how involved do we want to be in the donations we make, what types of projects do we want to be involved in, and how do we donate funds back to the rural areas where some of the bingo proceeds were generated. A committee has been created Chaired by Marilyn Lowther, to generate a Survey which will be emailed to the membership to gather additional information. We expect that this will be done by the second week of June. Once the Survey results are tabulated, there may be some one on one discussions to get additional feedback, and possibly another Club Forum. The results of the survey and additional discussions, and meeting, will be presented to the Board and to the Club. We expect this to be completed by late September.